Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Music Marketing: The Process and Finalization

    As mentioned in a previous post, a group and I had been working on a project which was based around The creation and subsequent marketing of a music brand. Being Selected to use the country genre, we settled with Lady A's "Need You Now" and began to find a way to present our new brand in the best light we can bring. Thus O.N.L.Y was born. 

    ONLY is a Country duo featuring the couple of Oscar NewBourne and Lila Yeager as the group and I felt it unique and favorable to bring on this nightly aesthetic that we chose. After the establishment of the Duo themselves, The group began the planning for our music video as we wanted to tell their story of the couple and their story. this would be accompanied by the use of Low light and street cinematography to fit the overall look of the brand. During our planning, we agreed to use our Town Center. This would be accompanied by warm lighting on shits that took place indoors or during the later afternoon.     
    The Filming Process was a very fun yet very uncomfortable day for myself and the group members. The largest reason for this was the declining temperatures as the night came away. Unfortunately for us, we shot the same day that South Florida had a large cold front. By the time nightfall came, we were freezing during the shoot. While uncomfortable, the rest of the shooting proved everything to be worth it as we were able to get great shots and establish the nightly tone of our video. 
    As filing made way, our group of four divided and conquered as we began to work on our marketing such as merch and social media. Merch was a very easy yet extremely fun and fulfilling side of our project. Every member was able to test out merch ideas and present them to each other with great effect. this included denim jackets, crew-necks, and Touring T-shirts.  
    Editing was a personal aspect of the project that I handled. It was a long and tedious process to bring together the footage and song together to make a clear-cut story. one of the hardest things to do was Synch up the audio with the promotional shots of the music video. there were about six different shots where this needed to be done. Having to mix the shots up only to synch them as well. the Process was draining, However, it was extremely rewarding. 
    As the project came to an end I felt that my group really pulled all of our weight to not only tell a well-produced story but also bring a face to our story. This only made us more proud as we weren't sure how to tackle a genre that we were extremely unfamiliar with. We manage to grow our knowledge and tackle the task head-on and create something we can be proud of.

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